Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Merica the Amazing Beach Ball?

Merica is getting big... but will she continue to expand until she looks like a beach ball with legs like her mother Starlet did? Ony two weeks (or a bit less) to go...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bigger and bigger...

Merica is getting bigger and bigger. She has 2 1/2 weeks yet to go but is getting very quiet and serious. Her tummy has dropped some. I think she will come early as we bred at the tail end of her breedable time, but it still should be 2 weeks to go, I hope!

Merica is very mad because she got kicked out of my bedroom and now has to sleep on the couch. Taffy is up there in the whelping box with her puppies. Merica thinks she should still be able to sleep with me. Taffy is so relaxed with this litter, and Merica and she are best buddies, but I will give her a few more days with no interlopers even close to her den.

Merica's turn will be next and then Taffy will be mad... my sweet little brown girls... they are the best.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

She's definitely PG!

She's definitely getting bigger and hungier all the time. Merica has three and a half weeks to go but she thinks she is feeding an army now. She takes after her mother Starlet who was the all time top chow hound, and loved her cookies!

Merica will put her two front paws up on the counter and rest her head on the edge and just STARE at the ripe tomotoes sitting at the very back where she can't reach them. Then she gets impatient and BARKS! real loud and then goes back to staring and drooling. She loves those tomatoes.